True to form, I have never really been a very good "traditional student" and had little motivation to read or respond to the undergraduate assignments of dissecting metaphor or the underlying meanings of videos or readings. Though in my early 20's, I thought dissecting T. S. Eliot or Ingmar Bergmann or having the ability to read and dissect Baudelaire in the original French was pretty cool. I now prefer to stay in the present and appreciate art for whatever it elicits or does not elicit within my being in the present moment.
I no longer divide the world or ethics or art into categories nor am willing to waste any energy pretending to down regulate my mental software in order to go traipsing back to a less developed mental state. After years of having to rapidly assimilate data and formulate action plans in order to keep my little piece of the universe flowing, that type of conscious analyzation was dumped from conscious processing to the nethers of subconsciousness (machine language?) long ago.
Instead, this course was professional development for me, learning about resources to utilize in e and digital learning, and as such, I would consider well worth my investment of time.
It has been enlightening to view my colleagues' blogs and digital creations. It has inspired me to get on with a work project and given me the confidence to quit worrying about everything being "perfect" and just get on with it. I will be trying different methods of conveying information in many facets of my professional life.
I learned something from absolutely everyone I connected with in this wonderful experience.Thanks to all the participants in MOOC #edcmooc for educating me.